On 05 June 303 AD, Felix, Bishop of Thibiuca (247–303) in North Africa, is brought before the magistrate of his city, along with Audactus, Fortunatus, Januarius, and Septimus, and were ordered to hand over all the Christian books in their possession, in compliance with an imperial edict of 23 February 303, given by Emperor Diocletian, to burn all the books of Christians. However, Felix and his fellow Christians staunchly refuse to comply with this royal decree, knowing fully well, that to do so, is inviting death.
The Emperor Diocletian, was advised that if all the books of Christians were burnt, then this ‘menace’ called Christians would lose power, and ultimately cease to exist. “For Felix the conflict was clearly between the commandments of God and those of men. He was given three days’ grace to change his mind: when he refused, he was referred to the proconsul. Felix admitted that he had the Scriptures, but refused to give them up. For this he was ordered to be beheaded. Which was carried out at Carthage, on 15 July, in 303 AD.” [Oxford Reference]
What a testimony of faith! One man thought it is important to honour God’s command, even if it meant losing one’s own life. What Felix and his friends did is, an inspiring testimony for all the Christians. May the LORD help us to stand up for Him, regardless of the cost and the consequences.
"God, I thank you. I have passed fifty-six years in this world. I have preserved my chastity; I have observed the Gospels; I have preached the faith and the truth. Lord God of heaven and earth, Jesus Christ, I bend my neck as a sacrifice for you, who abides for ever."