Today is “Father’s Day” and this is an ode to all the fathers. Being a man and the father is such a precious and priceless thing, from a man’s point of view. It is his everything. Of course there are terrible and bad men and fathers too. That is for another day.
Man, who is also a father, is one of the least understood person in the family set-up, if not misunderstood. What appears on the surface is not what he is inside. What is inside is not only difficult, but sometimes almost impossible to express for the man.
He may appear aloof, unconcerned, cold, hard…and the list can go on. He is anything but that, when someone cares to crack open the hard outer shell. It is nothing but his protective defence mechanism, to safeguard himself from hurt and pain. He knows no other way to cope with such “delicate” matters.
Give the man a task, he will joyfully carry it for anyone he loves. He doesn’t mind the toil, pain and the weight. He just carries it gleefully. He takes it all in his stride, and loves doing what he does for his loved ones. Typical of the male species.
He may not speak out his feelings. He may stutter to express himself articulately. He may even be misunderstood. He may never be understood at all. In spite of all that, he just carries the load with no change whatsoever, in his face and his behaviour. He just stifles it all deep within. After all he is the “man” and the father. For the man and the father, responsibility takes precedence.
Even when no one may understand him…no one may care to appreciate him – he doesn’t complain…he just carries on being the “man” and the father. He would suffer a million deaths silently, but will always hold his chin up, with all his strength at his disposal. He wouldn’t mind the blows, for he is fuelled by ‘pride’ – in the good sense – for his loved ones. No wonder the LORD said it is not good for man to be alone. Man needs a “helpmate.”
Sometimes, his family may not know the man and the father, that he actually is. They may never know his struggles and his sufferings. Still, he carries on with no change. Herein is a man and a father.“
A 2017 survey of working dads found that 72 per cent feel emotionally and physically worn out. Another study found that dads are just as likely as moms to feel depressed.” – Huffington Post. May the LORD help the man and the father to find love, joy and peace in the family that he cares, adores and sacrifices so much.
Happy Father’s Day!
"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society."