Being thankful and grateful is an indication of our hearts. It tells us that we are focusing on the good that we have. It also indicates that we are thinking about the giver – God or man – and thanking that person for all that we have.
One such person is the one who penned Psalm 150. What a beautiful Psalm!!! Six small verses, yet the word “praise” is used twelve times. Can there be a better illustration of what we ought to be focussing in life? I don’t think so.
Let us praise and thank the LORD for His innumerable blessings. Let us be grateful and thankful to the One who blessed us with, apart from all things, the very life we possess. YES…“6 Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” – Psalms 150:6
"Psalm 150 contains no argument, no real teaching, no real explanation. It is an eloquent, passionate cry to all creation to give Yahweh the praise due to Him."