Recently, I went to buy something in a shop, and saw an elderly lady begging. I gave her a little money, and she very sincerely and profusely blessed my family, my children and me.
What struck me the most is the attitude of Thankfulness, Gratefulness despite all the struggles she has.* She has two married daughters, and they and are unwilling to take care of her basic needs. She told me, that *she begs for her personal needs.
As I perceived, she has seen good days in the past, when she was able and strong. Now that she is old, she, out of self-respect, is unwilling to depend on her daughter’s, but considers honourable and dignified to ask for help, despite the pain and the agony to stretch out the hand. What a tragedy of our progressive societies.
This old lady is not the only one like this. There are many many in such situation. They are the victims of modern, progressive, and a shameless and greedy pursuit of their ambition to get rich as quickly as possible. What heart should consider such an exchange as good?
Modern life is always in a rushing mode. Others have no room and scope to be carried along. They are considered an unnecessary “weight,” who not very long ago, were an “invaluable” and “indispensable” asset, but now, turned into a loss, and a liability, because their usefulness to push and promote us, and fuel our ambition, has long crossed its expiry date. What a tragedy!!! A good and true reflection of human affairs.
O Christian, be careful not to walk that path. Our parents are the reason for where we are today. Their love, sacrifices, sweat and blood have built our lives. Don’t ever forget them for some peanuts, and what the world calls as progress. What progress is it when one is willing to forget the very people who gave their everything joyfully for our blessing? The curse of the LORD will fall upon us – remember Exodus 20? Wake up before it is too late my friend.
"First your parents, they give you your life, but then they try to give you their life."