“SEARCH AND RESCUE” is a term that is used in the context of someone who is lost, helpless, and is in no position whatsoever, to safely come out of it. What a relief and joy it would be for such a person, to see the rescuers who have come searching for him? Indescribable relief and joy!!!
Jesus responds to the confessional words of the Zacchaeus, the tax collector in Luke 19:10 – “10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” How comforting it is to read these words. These words project the image of a Shepherd seeking and searching for the lost sheep. Can there be anything more comforting to the lost sheep, than to see the Shepherd?
The words of Jesus speak about the purpose and His intent. The reason for such a rescue is to save those who are utterly lost, and without any hope…that is you and me…all of us. Isn’t that wonderful?
When we were completely lost, and absolutely unfit for anything good, the LORD came seeking us, with an explicit purpose of rescuing us, from utter destruction…which is, of our own making. This is GOOD NEWS!!!
We deserved death, but the Good Shepherd gifts us life! Can there be a better trade-off? Therefore, let us be thankful to our Saviour, and reflect Him in all our thoughts, words and deeds. May the LORD help us.
"That the Father and Son would love sinners that much is beyond our comprehension - but it ought to awaken a response of love and gratitude within our hearts that will change our lives forever!"