Leadership is both easy and difficult at the same time. One can never predict when we shift from ‘easy’ to ‘difficult,’ and vice versa. Such unpredictable nature of leadership is what makes it challenging and thrilling.
When things go our way, leadership is easy and smooth sailing. Anything we touch turns to gold. When the tide turns against us, which can at a moment’s notice, that is when leadership becomes difficult. The one who can stay grounded, when things are ‘touch wood;’ and learn to rise above the opposing waves, when the chips are down, and rule them, is the one who will ride the waves of success. Then the difficulty becomes easy…and the cycle goes on.
Leadership needs a whole range of things for sure. However, I think it fundamentally requires two things – DIL and DIMAK, which are willing to work together in unison. DIL is our HEART – which handles emotions, feelings, sentiments. DIMAK is our MIND – which handles logic, analysis and reasoning.
As a leader we require both the DIL and the DIMAK to succeed. However we have to remember that – “Dil se mehsus Karna” [to feel with our hearts,] and “Dimak se sochna” [to think with our minds.] Agar “Dil se soch-ne lage, aur Dimak se mehsus karoge, tho pura ulta ho-jatha” [everything will go haywire, if we begin to think with our hearts, and feel with our minds.]
Joseph, David, Daniel and Nehemiah of the Bible, were all leaders and achievers, who knew how to manage their DIL and DIMAK. We need both to succeed. That is why our Creator gave us, a DIL and a DIMAK. Let us learn to use them well, and in balance.
"The authority by which the Christian leader leads is not power but love, not force but example, not coercion but reasoned persuasion. Leaders have power, but power is safe only in the hands of those who humble themselves to serve."