Like the proverbial, “Calm before the storm” is this Saturday, some two thousand years ago. Not that there was no activity. There was plenty of activity happening around these days. Lazarus dies; Jesus raises him after four full days; disciples yet again prove their innocence and ignorance; the religious heads yet again display their allegiance is to the ‘Father of lies’ and to the LORD of all creation – John 11.
All that had happened in Bethany was like the ‘calm’ when compared to all that was about to come. The LORD, who knows everything, is getting ready for the rough week ahead. The disciples, were blissfully ignorant and unawares, and utterly unprepared for the approaching storm of their lives. The religious heads, were busy in their schemes, to somehow, put an end to this menace called Jesus of Nazareth, so that, they can religiously serve their ‘god’ as ever.
The question for us, even today is, “How about us?” Are we prepared for the coming storm? Are we faithfully and obediently following the LORD? Are we like the disciples, innocent and ignorant? Or, are we like the religious heads, going against God Himself, by creating our own gods?
May the LORD help us to be His faithful and obedient servants, for His glory, for the extension of His kingdom, and for the blessing of His people.
"Be the light to the world that God created you to be. Show the world Jesus’ love in every action you take, and every word you speak."