David continues to speak his last words till verse 7 of 2 Samuel 23. For our meditation today, we will look at verse – “2 The Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and his word was in my tongue.” – 2 Samuel 23:2.
The words that he is speaking here, are the words that the LORD Himself had given him. By this, David is not trying make his words sound authentic, so that people would take them seriously, and also take him seriously. David is simply speaking the truth, and that, these words are from God Himself, whether people take them seriously or not.
The authority with which David speaks, tells us of David’s personal walk with God, and the depth of his relationship with the LORD. Does God speak through us? Does God uses us as His mouthpiece? Are we being used by God for His glory and to fulfill His purposes? May the LORD help us to always be used by God for His purposes and glory.
"If there is any one thing we can learn from David and his life, it’s not the way he conducted military strategy or the wisdom in which he led a successful country, but the way in which he spent time with the God of the universe and how he became a man who desired what God desired."