Human beings are reaping the consequences of the choices we have made. We chose to be our own ‘gods’ when we chose to disobey the LORD God, our Creator. The LORD in His mercy and grace, though we do not deserve any bit of it, has been gracious towards us, in rescuing us from our sin, and in helping us restore to the image of His Son.
We find a very interesting verse in 2 Chronicles 12:1, which describes the sinful pattern that we have in our fallen nature – “1 When the rule of Rehoboam was established and he was strong, he abandoned the law of the LORD, and all Israel with him.”
This one pattern is consistent in the lives of the Israelites. We observe the same with us too, as Christians, who are redeemed by the LORD. When things are rough and stormy, we cry to the LORD. When the LORD rescues and places us in safety, we begin to prosper. Once we are strong enough, then we don’t seem to seek the LORD any more, but rather, live our lives, as we wish… almost always, going back to our old sinful ways. In a way declaring, “we are the ‘gods’ of our own lives” – what a tragedy!
Let us learn the lesson, and seek the LORD, to help us break this sinful, evil and destructive pattern, and live our lives as the redeemed of the LORD, and not as, the ‘gods’ of our own lives. May the LORD help us.
"The human heart has so many crannies where vanity hides, so many holes where falsehood works, is so decked out with deceiving hypocrisy, that it often dupes itself."