The LORD Jesus, speaking to the disciples, “23…“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” – Luke 9:23. What the Saviour is asking from His disciples, is an unusual thing to ask. He could have said, be faithful, obedient; or, follow me with all your heart, and do not deviate from my teachings…. But the LORD said, “… DENY himself, and TAKE UP HIS CROSS DAILY, and FOLLOW ME.”
There are three parts to this…
– Firstly, “DENY himself” – to willingly let go of all that amuses and entertains us in this world. To deny oneself is a willing and volitional decision, taken joyfully.
– Secondly, “TAKE UP HIS CROSS DAILY” – We as Disciples and Christians are to deny this world and all it offers, and take up our cross every single day. In the Roman world, only criminals, who are on the death row, carry their crosses. Those who are carrying a cross, are declaring publicly to the world, that they are on their way to their death.
– Thirdly, “FOLLOW ME” – One who has done the first two need not necessarily be following Jesus. A cursory glance at all the religious people will surely tell us the same. We are to DENY ourselves, TAKE UP OUR CROSSES DAILY, and FOLLOW THE LORD JESUS, in all that He is asking us to.
This is impossible to do it on our own. Therefore, let us daily seek the LORD to help us live for Him as “Living Sacrifices” [Romans 12:1-2] for His glory. Even so, LORD help us.
"The day men forget that love is synonymous with sacrifice, that day they will ask what selfish sort of woman it must have been who ruthlessly extracted tribute in the form of flowers, or what an avaricious creature she must have been who demanded solid gold in the form of a ring, just as they will ask what cruel kind of God is it who asks for sacrifice and self-denial."