The LORD God Almighty called the Hebrew people, when they were roaming as nomads, and promised to them, a land of their own. When we had no existence, and were nowhere, God placed us in this land called India. It is God who gave us this land, and not we ourselves. Therefore, India is our “promised” land…land where God wanted us to be.
God, when He placed us in this land, He surely expects us, as His disciples and His ambassadors [2 Corinthians 5:15,17-21] to be truly representing our Heavenly Father, and reflecting Him, in all our thoughts words and deeds, towards this land and its people. Let us not forget, God loves India and the Indians, just as much as He loves UK, America, Russia, Brazil, Canada, Zambia, Australia and the rest of the world. Jesus not only loves this land and its people [John 3:16] but had died on the cross for the redemption of Indians too – Romans 3:23; 6:21-26.
God, our Creator and Redeemer, wants us, as His ambassadors, to be a blessing to this land. In fact, God wants to bless this land, and its inhabitants, through our obedience and faithfulness to Him. When we lift up the LORD Jesus, the people would come to know Him – “16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” – Matthew 5:16
Honestly speaking, I would get bored and lost pretty soon, if I were to live anywhere else, other than India. Other places are good, with better amenities. No issues about those of us who are settled outside India. I love it here, and I am not alone, despite the problems and the steady increase of intentional Christian persecution. I am grateful to the LORD for this land. May the LORD bless India. May His light shine upon this land, and the people find His path. May the LORD help us Christians, to truly represent our LORD and Redeemer in thoughts, words and deeds.
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."