Teachers are important, and they are an essential part of a person’s progress in life. However if we see, in many parts of the world, not too long ago, education was a privilege of a few people. Not so much because it was expensive and unaffordable, but rather, because they were intentionally left out. Large masses of people were left out because they were considered unworthy of going to school and to learn things.
How did all this change in a matter of few decades? It is the Christian missionaries who took upon themselves the burden and the responsibility, for over two centuries, to teach the large masses of people, who were left out of the educational system intentionally, and many times by force. What a ministry it was, that it brought about a complete and irreversible transformation, which no one can stop or undo.
Why were the Christian missionaries so keen on educating the poor masses? They felt strongly, and believed firmly, that each individual is created by God Almighty, and in His own image, regardless of their caste, colour and country. Therefore, it became imperative for them to bring this amazing tool called school, so that the masses are educated, and there by empowered, to live as God their Creator had intended.
We should forever express our heartfelt thanks to all those countless Christian missionaries, and their mission boards, who ably and sacrificially supported this endeavour, to educate the poor and the powerless. We should above all, express our thanks and gratitude to the LORD Jesus Christ, for being gracious in making such an enterprise possible, and a resounding success.
May we, who have been touched and transformed by the gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ, take up the responsibility to stand for the LORD, disregarding the dangers, and be His true witness in an ever changing world, which is fast becoming anti-Christian. May the LORD bless our efforts, like He did with the meal of kid. “As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” – 2 Timothy 4:5
"The motto of every missionary, whether preacher, printer, or schoolmaster, ought to be "Devoted for life."