Questions form one of the foundational pillars of our lives, especially for a Christian. We need to ask ourselves some fundamental questions from time to time. Such an introspection helps us to verify the way on which we are walking. “23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.” – Psalms 37:23
One such exercise was undertaken by a young twenty-six year old Methodist missionary, Francis Asbury, on this day, the 12 of September in 1771. Asbury while sailing to America, writes in his journal: “Whither am I going? To the New World. What to do? To gain honour? No, if I know my own heart. To get money? No, I am going to live to God, and to bring others to do so.”
“Whither am I going?” Is both a question and a prayer. What questions, and what prayer!!! Such an introspective question is not just a question, but a prayer too, asking God to guide us and lead us in the direction that He wants us to go.
Quo Vadis is a Latin phrase, meaning, “Where are you marching?” Commonly it is translated as “Where are you going?” or, poetically, “Whither goest thou?” It is something to seriously ponder about every now and then. This is the question that Francis Asbury asked himself. The same is asked by all great men and women of God. Now how about us? Quo Vadis my friend?
"The meek are those who quietly submit themselves to God, to His Word and to His rod, who follow His directions, and comply with His designs, and are gentle toward all men."