When the spirit of Reformation began to sweep Europe, not many could stand in its way. However, the freedom to follow the LORD Jesus Christ, and the faith of the Bible, did not come overnight, nor was it without sacrifices, of countless faithful Christians, many of whom were, simple and ordinary people. What an of honour to stand for the LORD, in the face of such cruelty and hatred.
Today, 26 September, in 1568, Leonor de Cisneros, wife of a prominent lawyer Antonio Herezuelo, in the city of Toro, in her early thirties, walked silently and calmly, to be burnt alive at the stake, that was awaiting her in Valladolid, Spain. This young lady was held in captivity for eight years, and subjected to every conceivable means of torture, specially reserved for such Christians, desiring to elicit a denial, from her faith in “Lutheran” (Reformation) beliefs.
May this young lady, Leonor de Cisneros, be an inspiration to us, in this day and times, to stand firmly for our faith. May the LORD help us to be found faithful and obedient to Him and to His call. Even so the LORD help us.
"It has become a settled principle that nothing which is good and true can be destroyed by persecution, but that the effect ultimately is to establish more firmly, and to spread more widely, that which it was designed to overthrow. It has long since passed into a proverb that "the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church."