The world has many conflicts, and we seem to be jumping for the pan, into fire, as far as conflicts are concerned. The biblical prophecy regarding the end times speak of wars and rumours of wars. Well, we are living in those times.
How should the children of God and the Christians respond to such a situation?What should be the role and the responsibility of the Church? These are my personal opinions, based on what I see in the Word of God. Others may, or may not agree with me. I believe, the Church, and the Christians, should take the role and the responsibility of a peacemaker. This should not be perceived as weakness in any sense of the word. Peace-making is neither weak, nor is it being afraid to take a clear stand. It is, on the contrary, a clear and conscientious stand to be what we are called to be.
Why do I think so? The Church should don the role of the peacemaker, as commanded by our LORD Jesus – “9 Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.” – Matthew 5:9. There can be no two opinions on this. As the disciples of Jesus Christ, and the ambassadors of God, we are called to be the salt and the light. As part of it, we have to be mediators for love, peace and harmony among people, especially between warring groups.
We, as Christians should not be instigators, nor should we fuel conflict anywhere, whatever may be the reason and the provocation. This goes against the very grain of the gospel, and the role and responsibility entrusted to us by our LORD and our Master – Luke 6:27-36. Hence, in any conflict, we are to be the peacemakers, pouring all our efforts and energies into conflicts resolution, with peace, harmony and love as our declared goals.
Sadly, the Church has failed in this area. Church in many parts of the world, has been an active participant in warmongering and wars. In some cases, some ‘Christian’ groups have become willing and active participants for war, and some have funded violent rebellions, in other places and nations, in the name of freedom, equality and liberty.
Rick Ezell, in his article, “Being A Peacemaker – Matthew 5” writes thus – “Jesus says that those who are peacemakers will be known and recognized as what they really are – the sons of God. You may assume at first glance that “sons of God” means the same as “children of God.” But the terms are not quite identical. A “child of God” is one who is a part of the family. It is a statement of position. A “son of God” is one who is like the family. It is a statement of character. A son of God is one who not only carries on the family name but bears the family resemblance and reputation. Jesus is saying that as his followers become known as peacemakers, they will be recognized as the sons of God who share his name and share his mission.”
What about us? Let us, read again the words of our LORD Jesus Christ. Let us seek the LORD to help us be, what He wants us to be – the Sims and daughters of God – a peacemaker!!!
"Into a world that is ugly with violence and hate, Jesus sends us as peacemakers. We aren’t given the choice of whether or not we would like to be peacemakers...if we are going to be true to our Lord, we must be peacemakers."