All the living beings on the earth are intelligent according their own nature. Of all the living beings created, man is created with many unique abilities. One of man’s many unique abilities is to understand things beyond our natural environment. However, to know, and to understand, is not the exact same as comprehending. To comprehend something means, to thoroughly understand, and to firmly grasp something. It means much more than merely knowing something.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “comprehend” in this way – “To comprehend is to mentally grasp something’s complete nature or meaning. Comprehend is thus often a bit stronger than understand: for example, you may understand the instructions in a handbook without completely comprehending their purpose.”
The ability to comprehend, makes a huge difference. Man with all his intellect and knowledge, seems to fall short on comprehending his own abilities and capacities; more so, when it comes to things that related to God. Sadly, man thinks, he is invincible, and all knowing. Therefore, the humans seems to reject God. Man has begun to believe that he is now god.
Job, the man who stood the test of the evil one, has these words of wisdom to offer us – “5 God thunders marvellously with His voice; He does great things which we cannot comprehend.” – Job 37:5. Job’s words speak of his deep insight into God, and who He is. No wonder, Job humbly accepts, “He [God] does great things, which we cannot comprehend.” How true!!!
There are many things about God, which are incomprehensible to us. We simply cannot understand them, even if they were revealed to us. We are woefully falling short, even in those things that we can understand about God. We are unable to fully comprehend its depth, and it width; neither are we able to truly appreciate them, for all their worth, and their glory.
David echoing the same thoughts about God, as does Job, has these words penned in Psalms 8:3-4 – “3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; 4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?”
Job has spoken about the greatness of our LORD, and our utter inability to comprehend Him. David has spoken the same, and so do many others, in the Bible. What about us? What do we think about God? What do we think about ourselves? What is our prayer in regards to comprehending God and all His majesty? May the LORD help us to know Him. May we always hold Him in awe. May we always be found, humble, obedient and grateful.
"When we speak of knowing God, it must be understood with reference to man's limited powers of comprehension. God, as He really is, is far beyond man's imagination, let alone understanding. God has revealed only so much of Himself as our minds can conceive and the weakness of our nature can bear."