The Bible portrays the world, and the human beings, as fallen and incapable of doing any good. Other religions do talk about sin, and its consequences, but the clarity which the Bible gives, is unparalleled. This is confirmed by the reality on the ground today.
Man has experimented with many models of governance, to establish a just and fair governance, with an explicit aim to help man become humane and civilised. All such efforts have failed, including democracy. The results only prove what the Word of God says about, the heart of man, his intent, and his motives – Jeremiah 17:9; Genesis 6:5-8; Proverbs 15:19-20.
The more we wait for man to do something good, the more we see the ugly and the evil heart of the fallen human beings. The gloves are already off, and we see clearly the heart of man on public display. West, which prides itself as the champion of democratic values – use coercion, manipulation and destabilisation to push democracy, all over the globe. “Choose democracy, or else.” Strange isn’t it – the irony, and the tragedy, of it?
Now, we hear from the newspapers and the news channels that, it is officially banned by law, in some leading western democracies, to publicly protest in support for the people of Palestine. In some places, even flags are banned. Even if those people are misguided and wrong, don’t they have the right to express their views freely? Isn’t freedom of choice, freedom of expression, and freedom of speech, the fundamental and bedrock principles of western democracies?
We are in the advent season, and you must be wondering, “How are the models of governance connected with advent?” When God chose to rescue man from his sin, and its consequences, what method did He choose, and why? This is a critical question. God did not send an educator, to educate ourselves out of sin; nor a businessman, so that money can solve our problems; nor did he send a politician, to cut a deal for peace and reconciliation.
Nothing can reform man. Nothing can help us become humane and civilised. This is the reality of all human efforts at self-reform. Therefore, God sent a Saviour, who bought our freedom, and set us free. He then called them – the Christians, His disciples, His ambassadors, and His representatives, the Church – to be the conscience keepers of the society. We are called to be the salt and the light – “You are the salt of earth, and the light of the world.” – Matthew 5:13-16. Therefore, LET US LIVE IT PASSIONATELY and UNCOMPROMISINGLY!!!
"My reading of American religious history is that religion always functions best from the margins of society and not in the councils of power. Once you identify the faith with a particular candidate or party or with the quest for political influence, ultimately it is the faith that suffers. Compromise may work in politics. It's less appropriate to the realm of faith and belief."