Christmas reminds me of the “Love of God,” “the Plan of God,” and “the Sacrifice of God.” I am awed and overwhelmed at the magnanimity and the grace of God towards a world which is utterly and hopelessly lost – the Jews and the gentiles.
GOD LOVES the world, both Jews and the gentiles, because all of us are hopelessly lost, and are in desperate need of the Saviour.
The Love of God was put into action through the PLAN of GOD. For this, God chose one man, Abraham, and through his progeny, brought the Saviour into the world. This Saviour, the LORD Jesus Christ, came to seek and save that which was lost, both the Jews and the gentiles included.
Love of God for the lost sinners, led the LORD to PLAN A RESCUE. This redemption plan had only one way – the sacrifice of a sinless person, on behalf of the sinful world. This became a necessity because of God righteous and immutable law. Therefore, this painful, and suffering filled sacrifice, was taken up willingly, by the LORD Jesus Christ, for the Jews and gentiles.
The LORD, who rescued the lost, both the Jews and the gentiles, expects us to live for God, in thought, word and deed, as an indication of the change in our hearts. Secondly, we are to proclaim the gospel, to all, including the Jews. Those who believe will be saved, and those who don’t, even if they are Jews, will be lost.
May the LORD help us, the saved sinners, to be true, faithful and obedient disciples of the LORD God Almighty, who out of His immeasurable and unconditional love, chose to rescue us, by willing to suffer and die for us, as our sacrifice, in our place. Even so, the LORD help us.
Wish you and your family a Blessed Christmas.
"Christmas is about God’s great love for you!...We needed to be saved and God brought a Savior. We were lost and God found us. We were far from God and God brought us near through the death, burial, and resurrection of His perfect Son. Christmas is a time to celebrate Jesus."