Parents hold a very special place in the life of a child. They are the reason for us to be born into the world. They also help us in growing up. Hence, it is always good to remember, as children of our parents, that we can never outdo our parents, in their LOVE, SACRIFICE and FORGIVENESS towards us. Therefore, always appreciate your parents. You never know, what they have gone through for you.
I have seen quite a few summers. I have seen good number of people. This is my conclusion – there is no one who can love us more than out parents; there is no one who can sacrifice more than our parents; there is no one who can forgive like our parents.
Parents, whether we like them or not, are like candles. Their sole existence is for the benefit and the blessing of their children. They may have failed our expectations. They may not be, as sophisticated and suave, as we wanted them to be. May be…but there will never be anyone in the whole world who will be as unselfish, unconditional, loving, kind generous, caring, sacrificing and forgiving like the parents.
So my dear “children” let us not wait till the memorial services of our parents, to speak about their goodness and greatness. While they are still alive, let us take time, and make every effort, sincerely and truly, to tell them how much their love, sacrifice and forgiveness meant to us.
– If we have hurt them, let us unconditionally apologise to them.
– If they have hurt us, let us forgive them, because they have done much more to us, and our survival, than just hurt us, eve if it is true.
Let us remember always, if not for our parents, we would not be alive. This is good enough reason, even if it is the only reason, to be grateful, and thankful to them, all the days of the life, that our parents still have. Wait not till tomorrow. For tomorrow may be too late.
"First, your parents, they give you your life, but then, they try to give you their life."