The prophet Jeremiah, who is called as “The Weeping Prophet” – weeping over the sinfulness and wickedness of the Jews – has these words, to inspire hope and encouragement, found only in the LORD – “22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” – Lamentations 3:22-23
Based on this verse, there is a beautiful song written by Ms. Edith McNeill, which still is a blessing to us – “The STEADFAST LOVE of the LORD NEVER CEASES, His MERCIES NEVER COME TO AN END…they are NEW EVERY MORNING!!!” This is one of my all time favourite song, because of what it conveys to the Christian.
What a comforting and encouraging song is this! It tells that the LOVE of the LORD is STEADFAST. What a word it is – STEADFAST! The same, yesterday, today and forever! HalleluYah!!!
God’s MERCY – the UNMERITED FAVOUR of God poured generously upon undeserving people – will NEVER COME TO AN END! Can we even fathom its meaning? Oh the mercy of God, but for it, we would be ashes and dust long long back…MERCY…it NEVER will COME to an END! Oh what joy it is to even know this mercy.
The song doesn’t end there. The MERCY of God is NEW EVERY MORNING! Oh…my cup runneth over!!! The MERCY of God doesn’t come to an end… over and above, it is NEW EVERY MORNING! What was yesterday, is not the same, which God pours on us the next day. The cycle continues…HIS MERCY is NEW EVERY MORNING… NEW EVERY MORNING!
What an amazing God is the LORD whom we worship! Great is His FAITHFULNESS!* What a comforting word is it… FAITHFULNESS…He remains faithful even when we falter, fail and fall down. Oh LORD thank You!!!
What comes to my mind whenever I read the lyrics of this song, and every time I sing it is – LORD I am unworthy of such precious and priceless love, grace and mercy, that you have poured upon my life…you still do…every morning…day after day…week upon week…months on end…years pass by…I am still drenched by your goodness, grace and mercy…even though I am utterly worthless…I am overwhelmed LORD…thank YOU…thank YOU…thank YOU…a million times over…and over and over. How can God love us so much??? Thank You LORD.
"The soul that loves God has its rest in God and in God alone. In all the paths that men walk in in the world, they do not attain peace until they draw [near] to hope in God."