The Bible records a fascinating conversation between God and Isaiah in Isaiah 6:8. This is how the conversation goes on…
– “8…I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”
Many a child of God, when received a call from God, responded just like Isaiah, and said yes to the LORD. One such person is William Carey [17 August 1761 to 9 June 1834] a simple man, from a humble background, in the UK. A cobbler by profession. Not so great a profession, yet, Carey passionately pursued his call, to serve his LORD and his Saviour, by wanting to take the “Good News” of Jesus, to far off place, to the people living in darkness.
William Carey, a Particular Baptist minister, arrived in India in November 1793, along with his family. He never returned back to his homeland, but served his LORD for 41 years, in blood, sweat and toil, until his death in 1834, at Serampore. What a life it is!!!
William Carey, who is often called, “the father of modern Protestant missions” had nothing spectacular to show for his 41 years of work – a mere 700 transformed natives. However, the LORD used Carey’s passion, commitment and hard work, to lay a foundation for many things to come – Bible translations, education, and social reform. Carey’s life and commitment inspired the missionary movement of the nineteenth century, especially with these words “Attempt great things for God, and expect great things from God.” The Serampore College, which he established in 1818, in Serampore, India, is a living example of what those words mean. Serampore College continues both spiritual and secular education to many, even today – a good 200 plus years after it was started.
What should be a matter of concern for us today, the day William Carey died in 1834, almost 200 years ago, is not just to be in awe of Carey, but to ask ourselves, “What is our response to the question asked by the LORD?”* as Christians, and the disciples of the LORD Jesus Christ. Isaiah responded, and God used him. William Carey responded, and God used him too. What about you and me? Are we trying to run away like Jonah? Or, are we saying, “Here am I! Send me LORD.”
"You have been born again to no common light. Spread it forth, and let it shine wherever you go." "Let us give up our work, our thoughts, our plans, ourselves, our lives, our loved ones, our influence, our all, right into His hands, without reserve." [and] "Let us ask that Jesus may reign over our hearts, so that we may act our part worthily in the great work which He is carrying on."