The Word of God records in Genesis 1:31 a very important point for us to remember always. The Bible says…
– “31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”
Genesis chapter one has 32 verses, and it records the entire creation process. In these few verses five times God says “It is good!” and once He says “It is very good!” – Genesis 1:10,12,18,21,25,31.
The words “It is good!” and “It is very good!” speak volumes about the power of God, and His ability to create. It tells us, WHATEVER God does, is good, and it is very good. It tells us unambiguously, that God’s work is always excellent, spotless, and exceptional.
Ellen Meloy says…
– “The complex human eye harvests light. It perceives seven to ten million colours through a synaptic flash: one-tenth of a second from retina to brain. Homo sapiens gangs up to 70 percent of its sense receptors solely for vision, to anticipate danger and recognize reward, but also—more so—for beauty.”
Lindsey Nelligan points out…
– “With over 2 million working parts, the [human] eye is like a tiny masterpiece of engineering.”
Few details about human eye makes us to stand in awe of God and His ability to create. It makes us shout “How great is our God!” Awesome and amazing!!! Truly…don’t you think so?
The human eye is just an eye opener for us about the God whom we worship. May the LORD open our eyes, to see the God whom we serve, in all His immensity and glory. May we also see, the infinitely insignificant speck that we truly are. Yet, the God of all creation loves us, cares for us, and has died for us, to redeem us from our sin and its consequences. May our eyes to truly opened. Even so the LORD help us.
"God is good to all his creation by providing their necessities—even to insects in our fallen world. Some of my favourite types of insects are plant bugs! Each variety has just the right kind of hiding place for its shape or just the right colours to blend in. Each variety also has its own special diet, which it finds in abundance where it lives. God provides everything his creatures need—he is truly good to all."