A few days back, I happened to read a very sad and tragic prayer point, in a prayer bulletin. The prayer point was about the sale of more than 100 historic church buildings, in Scotland. The reason being – “Church attendance has fallen drastically, with many people declaring, they have no religion.” I felt a terrible ache in my heart, as I read it.
According to an article by Joe Wright, “Hundred of Scottish churches up for sale as UK turns away from Christianity” in The Telegraph, of UK, on 16 June 2024 – “The Church of Scotland has lost a million members since 2001 and the majority of Scots now say they have no religion, according to the latest census data. It is also grappling with a fall in clergy numbers. In 2022, the Church revealed it had lost 40pc of its ministers since 2000.”
What a tragic state it is? A land that flourished so well for the glory of God, and gave great men and women to the Church at large, is now in such a pitiable and pathetic state – in ICU, and on a ventilator…so to speak. What a tragedy, it is.
John Knox, the great Scottish preacher of 1500s, came to my mind, as I read the prayer bulletin. John Knox prayed for Scotland during a time of darkness and confusion. Reformation winds were sweeping all across Europe, and Knox desire that LORD would sweep Scotland too. So he prayed – “LORD, GIVE ME SCOTLAND, OR I DIE”
What a courageous prayer it is! Knox was not trying to “blackmail” God, nor “twist” His arm. Nor was Knox wanting to “kill” himself. What Knox wanted was, that God would move mightily in Scotland, so that “God’s kingdom would come,” and His glory spread across the Scotland. If not, it is not worth living. It is as good as being dead…a worthless life.
The LORD answered His prayer, and transformed Scotland. The world needs passionate and persistent “prayer warriors” like John Knox, today. What are tragedy it is today – we are in darkness, and don’t seem to mind it at all.
One of the staunchest opposers of John Knox was, Queen Mary, who is famously known as, Queen of the Scots. She said, “I fear John Knox’s prayers more than all the assembled armies of Europe.” What a testimony. We need such passionate and sincere people like John Knox, for the kingdom of God, today.
May the LORD help us to be that John Knox of our day. May we earnestly and sincerely cry out to the LORD, just like John Knox. The LORD will answer and raise, many men and women of God, who would be used for the glory of God. Can we pray like John Knox? Even so the LORD help us.
"In every age and every land the greatest and most constraining stimulus to labour and sacrifice in the cause of evangelism is loving loyalty to Christ, a sensitive concern for His honour, enthusiasm for the coming of His kingdom, and a determination that His will shall be done on earth, even as it is done in heaven."