The most precious metals, that are ever known to man are, gold and silver. Everyone appreciates them, and many like to possess them. Therefore, they are used in jewellery and other such decorative items. Since they are precious and rare metals, they are very expensive to buy. For such is the value and the demand, for those two metals.
The process of taking the raw material – silver and gold – and then, refining them to the level of jewellery, and other precious decorative items is, nothing short of, and literally, trial by fire. Both these precious metals are subjected to intense heat, so that they melt. When they melt, all its impurities float on the top. When the dross is removed, we get the high grade silver and gold, which becomes what it is known for – expensive metals, that are used for jewellery and other decorative items.
The Bible speaks about this process too in, Proverbs 17:3, in regards to the LORD, and the Christian…
– “3 The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, But the LORD tests the hearts.”
The process of refining is used by the LORD our God, for us too, as His disciples and children. What we should know and understand is this – unless the silver and the gold go through fire and the furnace, they cannot become pure. If they are not cleansed of all its impurities, they cannot be used for precious items like jewellery, and other decorative items. So also a Christian. Unless we go through the fiery furnace of trials and tests, we cannot become useful for the kingdom of God.
If ever we go through any fiery trial, let us learn to be patient. Let learn to look to the LORD in the midst of all our trials. Let us learn to lean on the LORD, as He guides us, just like the goldsmith does with gold, on the furnace. The LORD has a purpose, and He will want to work towards that end. We should, as a faithful and obedience children of God, yield to the Master Craftsman, and allow Him to shape us, as He sees fit. The process may be painful, but it is worth every pain. Even so the LORD help us.
"The Lord trieth the hearts. - By allowing sorrows and temptations to assail them, in order that they may come out of the trial as pure gold purged of earthly infirmities."