Praising God is an integral part of all our worship. Songs play an important role in praising God. The Bible is full of inspirational inputs, that would help us, to burst out in songs of praise to our God…especially the book of Psalms.
The book of Psalms, in the Bible, is all about songs and singing. Those songs are not for our entertainment, but rather, an act of our worship. They are songs of praises to the LORD God Almighty, for all who He is, and for all what He has done. God alone is worthy of all our praises and worship.
Let us read a couple of verses from the book of Psalms, which brings our life, its purpose and meaning, into a proper perspective.
– “33 I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.” – Psalm 104:33
– “1 Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD, O my soul! 2 While I live I will praise the LORD; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.” – Psalm 146:1-2
The Psalmist, makes it amply clear, that he wishes to sing, praises of God, all the days of his life. Now, the logical question would be, “Why?” Why should we sing praise to the LORD? The answer for this question is found in Psalm 63, where David in the midst of troubles and struggles, while running for safety and security in the wilderness of Judah, finds Joy in the Fellowship of God! The verses from 3 to 5 speak about why, David wants to sing praises to God, and longs to worship Him, despite all his troubles.
– “3 Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You. 4 Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. 5 My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, And my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips.” – Psalm 63:3-5
The reasons for David to praise and worship God all the days of His life are crystal clear…
– God’s lovingkindness is better than life.
– His soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness.
For David, God matters the most in his life, than anything else…whatever it may be. What a perspective!!!
May David, and the Psalms be, an inspiration to look deeper into our outlook, and out attitudes towards our God. How do we see the songs of praises and worship to our God? Do we sing praises to our God? What kind of approach do we have, when we pray? What is the content and the character of all our prayers? Is praise an integral part of our prayers? Do we ask for this, that and everything, more than we sing praises to our God?
"Even when our heart is rather desiring than enjoying we should still continue to magnify the Most High, for his love is truly precious; even if we do not personally, for the time being, happen to be rejoicing in it. We ought not to make our praises of God to depend upon our own personal and present reception of benefits; this would be mere selfishness: even publicans and sinners have a good word for those whose hands are enriching them with gifts; it is the true believer only who will bless the Lord when he takes away his gifts or hides his face.""