“Employee Performance Evaluation” is an essential and integral part of good standards for healthy growth of every individual, and any organisation. It is nothing but, taking stock of the direction and the progress of the employee, the work entrusted to him, and the overall direction of progress of the organisation. Therefore, it is essential and important for the health of the employee and the employer.
Generally we do not associate Bible with business principles. However, if we haven’t realised it already, there are tons of gold standard principles in the Bible, for life, its progress and growth. One such reference is found in the Parable of the Talents, told by our LORD Jesus, in Matthew 25:14-30. The key verse for our reference and meditation is the verse 21.
– “21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’” – Matthew 25:21
The Master is very satisfied, and well pleased with His servants, who received five and two talents, but not the one who received one talent. The first two made a progress of 100% – which clearly indicates the efforts of the servants, they making good use of time, and working intelligently; not only that, they have been faithful to their Master, in the work entrusted to them. They put in efforts, to increase what was given to them; it speaks, not only of their skill, bit more importantly about their heart.
Let us take four particular words, spoken by the Master, as part of the “Employee Evaluation” or “Staff Appraisal” of His first two servants – WELL DONE, GOOD, FAITHFUL and SERVANT.
– It speaks about the quality of the work done.
– It speaks about the efforts that were put in by the servant.
– It speaks about the Master’s keen eye of observation and evaluation.
– It speaks that the Master is well pleased with the efforts and the accomplishments of His servant.
– The quality of the work is not only high, and pleasing to the Master. But the works is of “good” nature.
– It speaks about the winning trait of the employee as a person.
– It speaks about the “moral dimension” of the employee.
– A thief can also do a “good” work of very high standard, and multiply money. That doesn’t make it good, in a moral sense.
– It speaks about the character of the servant.
– It speaks that the servant is a man of integrity.
– It speaks about the servant as someone who is trustworthy.
– It speaks about the servant as someone who is dependable.
– The cardinal principle of a good employee is, never to forget the positions and the role we are to play.
– A servant is someone who works for his Master.
– Servant is not the owner, but a temporary custodian, who is given that responsibility, specifically to do that particular work.
– This has nothing to do with superiority and inferiority of anyone under consideration here.
– A healthy and proper understanding of the role we are called to play, helps us work better, and not get mixed up, and mess up the work. This will only result in loss for everyone.
As Christians, we are called by our Creator, our Redeemer, and our Master to work in His vineyard. A particular quote of William Gurnall, a seventeenth century English Christian, will help us see what is at stake here for us.
– “How can there be great faith where there is little faithfulness?”
The work that is entrusted to us by our LORD, is important. Also, it will be evaluated by our LORD, at a later date – our “Performance Evaluation” and “Staff Appraisal” is certain. “How are we faring?” is a question we ought to ask ourselves constantly. May the LORD help us to do well.
"Faithfulness knows no difference between small and great duties."