As we continue to read the genealogy of Jesus, we come across the second lady mentioned in Matthew 1:5a.
– “1 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham: 2 Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers…5 Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab…” – Matthew 1:1-2,5a
Talking about the genealogy of Jesus, Matthew Henry observes that, it is not some irrelevant list of people, mentioned for some insignificant reason. This is what he says…
– “Concerning this genealogy of our Saviour, observe the chief intention. It is not a needless genealogy. It is not a vain-glorious one, as those of great men often are. It proves that our Lord Jesus is of the nation and family out of which the Messiah was to arise.”
Rahab is the second lady mentioned in the gospel of Matthew. Who is Rahab? Why is she mentioned as one of the four women in the lineage of the Saviour, apart from Mary, the mother of the LORD? What is so special about her that, she deserves such an honour?
General consensus among the Bible scholars is that, the Rahab mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus, is the harlot [prostitute] Rahab, the Canaanite lady of Jericho, mentioned in the book of Joshua.
– “1 Now Joshua the son of Nun sent out two men from Acacia Grove to spy secretly, saying, “Go, view the land, especially Jericho.” So they went, and came to the house of a harlot named Rahab, and lodged there.” – Joshua 2:1
Rahab the prostitute, gets a mention in the “Roll of Honour” in Hebrews 11. She gets this distinct honour, not because of her professional achievements, but because of her faith in the LORD God Almighty, the God of all creation, the Redeemer of all, who place their faith in Him and His saving grace.
– “31 By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe, when she had received the spies with peace.” – Hebrews 11:31
Rahab the Canaanite prostitute, of Jericho, would have been stoned to death, if she was a Hebrew, because of the law of Moses. However, she was allowed to join the Hebrew children, because she hid two enemy spies, sent to Jericho, by Joshua, and saved their lives from sure death. When Joshua destroyed Jericho, on God’s command, God spared Rahab and her family. It was God who chose Rahab, to not only be saved from death, but also to be included in the lineage of people, that ultimately would bring the Saviour of the whole world, into reality. What a great honour, and what a remarkable person is this lady called Rahab!
Sophia Bricker, writing in her article, “5 Remarkable Women in Jesus’ Genealogy and What They Teach Us” mentions the most important and significant reason, for Rahab the prostitute’s name, to be included in the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah.
– “From Rahab’s inclusion in Jesus’ genealogy, we also see how Christ came to save all people. He died for the sins of all people, regardless of their nationality or ethnic identity [1 John 2:2]. Jews and Gentiles alike can receive eternal life and forgiveness of sins through placing faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection [Romans 10:12-13].”
Do we not see ourselves too, when we see Rahab the harlot saved, by the generous, gracious and merciful God of the Bible? Like Rahab, we too do not deserve any grace and mercy. Yet, the LORD, showered upon us His grace and mercy? If so, what should be our response to the LORD? We are now, by God’s generosity, His children, His disciples and His ambassadors. HalleluYah!!! What a transformation of utterly unworthy people, from death to life. All glory to God for His goodness, His kindness, His generosity, His grace and His mercy.
"God has a people where we little dream of it, and he has chosen ones among a sort of people whom we dare not hope for; who would think that grace could grow in the heart of one who was a harlot by name, as though her sin was openly known to all? Yet it grew there, like a fair flower blooming upon a dunghill, or a bright star glittering on the brow of night! There her [Rahab's] faith grew, and brought forth glory to God!"