I have come to a realisation, pretty early in my walk with the LORD, that we do not need to fear anything. Not that, we don’t ever get scared, as a Christian, but the fact that, God cares for us, and that “He performs what is appointed for me” should comfort us, and strengthen us, to step out in faith. The strength is not in us, nor in our ability. Our strength is because of the One, who called us all, out of darkness, into His marvellous light – 1 Peter 2:9-10. HalleluYah!!!
Job, while in the midst of the severest testing ever faced, by any human being, has these words, which I am sure will strengthen all of us, as we walk through our own fiery trials. Let us read what Job says…
– “13 “But He is unique, and who can make Him change? And whatever His soul desires, that He does. 14 For He performs what is appointed for me, And many such things are with Him.” – Job 23:13-14
Job speaks words, which are worth more precious than all the gold, diamonds and the wealth, that is available in this world. Job’s understanding of God, and who He is, is not only enlightening, but much more than that, empowering to all, who would know God, in the way Job describes, in the above verses. Anyone who knows God, as Job describes above, has reached a really balance and matured stature, spiritually. David Guzik, commenting on Job 23:13-14, observes…
– “Job here seemed to come closer and closer to the place God wanted him to be in his crisis. He comes closer and closer to realizing that God can be trusted, that God does in fact love and care for him; but at the same time He is sovereign, and at least some of His ways are beyond our knowing.”
The key to such unwavering faith of Job, is found in the preceding text, and the way he, steadfastly holds on to God, and His eternal Word. Herein lies the strength of Job, and the result is, he is unshakable, despite such horrendous storm, that is shaking him up.
– “10 But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. 11 My foot has held fast to His steps; I have kept His way and not turned aside. 12 I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth More than my necessary food.” – Job 23:10-12
Oh what faith in God, and what steadfast obedience. Two small sentences from verses 11 and 12, speak volumes about the tenacious faith of Job, in the face of severe adversity.
– “11 My foot has held fast to His steps…12…I have treasured the words of His mouth More than my necessary food.” – Job 23:11-12
Charles Spurgeon, commenting on Job’s unwavering and tenacious faith, says…
– “…note, that what God had spoken to him [Job] he treasured up. He says in the Hebrew that he had hid God’s word more than ever he had hidden his necessary food. They had to hide grain away in those days to guard it from wandering Arabs. Job had been more careful to store up God’s word than to store up his wheat and his barley; more anxious to preserve the memory of what God had spoken than to garner his harvests. Do you treasure up what God has spoken?”
Small wonder then, that Job is neither disturbed, nor afraid, of anything that has befallen him – Job 1:20-22. His faith is firmly and securely place in God, his Master and LORD.
Where do we stand as Christians, and as the disciples of the LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth? What kind of faith is driving us, on our journey with the LORD? What kinds of belief system is leading us, on this narrow and perilous path? Do we know who our God truly is? Can we say with child-like faith – “HE PERFORMS WHAT IS APPOINTED FOR ME” and walk on it, without grumbling and complaint? Does God speak with us? Do we seek Him and His Word, much more than our food, and all our needs? Or, do we use His Word, only to seek material blessings, which meet our temporal needs? Is our faith in God deep and steady? Or, is our faith in God shallow and superficial? Let us take a stock of our faith in God, this morning, and see, where do we actually stand.
"God spoke to Job. Did God ever speak to you? I do not suppose Job had a single page of inspired writing. Probably he had not – even seen the first books of Moses; he may have done so, but probably he had not. God spoke to him. Did he ever speak to you? No man will ever serve God aright unless God has spoken to him."