“”The Church is built on the blood of the martyrs,”” is a popular saying in regards to early Church history.
It is very interesting to observe that whenever there was persecution, the Church grew and was vibrant. It is equally interesting to see, the Church becoming complacent and compromised, whenever there was peace and prosperity.
This cycle of Persecution, Vibrant Faith leading to Peace, resulting in Prosperity, which led to Complacency and ending in Compromise is seen in the life of the nation of Israel.
Whenever they had problem, they cry to God. God brings peace, which leads to prosperity. This results in the people of God going back to sin. This pattern is visible from the times of Judges till the exile. The same pattern is visible in the Church too.
Beware the traps. Walk carefully, “”redeeming the time, because the days are evil.””
Kumara Krupa Bachala