The love that the Bible talks about is a love that truly reflects God, His nature and His character. If one wishes to know who God is; how He thinks; how He deals with human beings; we need to look at His love…we need to look at John 3:16. This small little verse, with twenty-five words, so beautifully sum up for us, who God is.
We have been studying John 3:16, for a few days now. Let us look at it again, and see, what else it can speak to us.
– “16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16
Let us look at the last part of this verse – *”…but have everlasting life.”*
– Who will have eternal life? Whosoever believes in the LORD Jesus Christ, who is our Saviour.
– Why is He the Saviour? Because God gave His very Self, to seek and save the lost – that is – you and me.
– Why did God give His Son? Because God loves the entire world, and He desires that none should perish.
– This loving God has gifted to us, out of His goodness, grace and mercy, the eternal life – to all who believe and receive Jesus Christ of Nazareth, as their Saviour.
What lessons can we draw from – *”…but have everlasting life.”* – the outcome of God’s redemption plan?
– May we, as Christians, and the disciples of the LORD Jesus Christ, realise the significance of God’s precious and priceless love.*
– Let us also realise, our utter inability, to gain this love, on our own, but only by receiving it, with grateful thanks, and forever gratitude
– May we recognise that, this precious gift of eternal life has come to us, because of willing sacrifice of the Lamb of God, which truly and clearly reflects, God’s unconditional love for the world.
– This eternal life is a gift of God, where by, we “enjoy” the presence of God, as did Adam and Eve, before the fall – pure and holy.
– May this knowledge, help and lead us, to be faithful and obedient to our Redeemer, all the days of our lives.
Even so the LORD help us.
""Eternal life" is a central promise of the Gospel, highlighted in John 3:16, where belief in Jesus grants everlasting life. This life is not merely unending existence but a quality of life in communion with God...The promise of eternal life fulfills Old Testament prophecies of a restored relationship with God...where death is swallowed up forever. The dichotomy between eternal punishment and eternal life underscores the gravity of the choices made in this life and the eternal consequences that follow."