Today is March 1, and in many parts of the world, it is the time to close the books of accounts, and file the income tax returns. Let me indulge in sharing with you, what my mother, and my father, have taught me about money, and related matters. They did not make me sit, as in a classroom, but taught me by how they have used money, and spoke to me in bits and pieces, about how to handle money. We may not truly appreciate our parents’ wisdom born out of their age, and their experience, in all matters of life. Let me share this morning, about what my mother taught me about money.
My mother always believed in saving for the future needs. Whatever may be the financial situation, and however pressing may be the needs of the hour, she always put aside something. Second, she always spent the money judiciously and only on things that she considered needy and important. No wasteful spending and no throwing of the money. Her principle seemed, Save at all times, and spend judiciously.
– “5 The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” – Proverbs 21:5
Thirdly, she was a positive dreamer. She had plans and vision for a bright and beautiful future. She diligently worked toward that dream, one day at a time. No discouraging situation could deter her from moving forward towards her dream. She would address the problem on hand, without losing her passion for the dream in her heart. She would keep moving forward, always…no retreat and no giving up.
– “6 Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, 7 Which, having no captain, Overseer or ruler, 8 Provides her supplies in the summer, And gathers her food in the harvest.” – Proverbs 6:6-8
She always held strong and unwavering faith in God. She firmly believed that God would help us without fail. She always put her best foot forward, believing that God helps those, who are willing to step out in faith. She was never overtly religious, but a deeply spiritual Christian, for whom, our life and our choices, are the reflection of our faith in the LORD Jesus Christ.
Lastly, she was a realistic and practical person, with no fanfare and no hang-ups. Her feet were always firmly on the ground. If ever she failed, she would recognise the mistakes, pick up the pieces and start all over again…without losing any of her passion or her zest.
None of the above were explicitly stated by my mother. She always preferred to work behind the scenes, silently, without much noise. However, if required, never shied from standing up, and taking the lead.
So, the lessons I learnt from my mother, about money, are these – Save at all times; Spend judiciously; be realistic and practical with money, and with the dreams. If ever there come obstacles, don’t lose heart, but hold on, tighten your belt, and keep plodding along. In all things, be humble, and let the focus be on things, and not on self.
I hope, these lessons from the life of my mother, would be of some use to us. May the LORD help us to handle our money wisely. It is important to do so, for a fruitful Christian life.
"When good planning is combined with diligent work there will be a harvest of plenty. The one who wants to avoid work, find shortcuts, and [who] cut corners will find failure instead of plenty. Their path leads surely to poverty."