Today is the LORD’s Day! Churches will be with people, all over the world. Some Churches would barely have people coming in. Some would be filled to its capacity. Everyone one of us, who is in the Church today, would have some need and a request, asking God to grant it. However, how many of us, would be going to the Church, with a song of praise, on our lips? Is there a song on our lips this morning?
The author of Psalm 104 has a song of praise on his lips.
– “33 I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. 34 My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.” – Psalms 104:33-34
What an incredible picture, does these few words, from verse 33 and 34, create in us, as we read them. Does it not?
What a way to fill out hearts, minds and our lives – to sing praises to our God, as long as we live!!! How wonderful to meditate sweetly upon the LORD who had been nothing good, gracious, merciful, kind and generous towards us, and towards all that concerns us, not just a day or two, but all the days of our lives! No wonder the Psalmist says, “I will be glad in the LORD.” – it is a never ending, and even going on thing! – if we truly know who God is.
The thankfulness, and the gratitude, expressed in the above two short verses, does not mean, the author has no needs, and has no storms in his life. The way the Psalmist wants to conduct his life, is an indication of his deep understanding of God, and His ways. The author know who his God is, therefore, he is not asking for any requests, but rather, expressing his gratitude and thanks, for all he had received, with the full knowledge, that there is any need in the future, it would be fulfilled without fail, by the LORD, who had called him, to be His own. HalleluYah!!! This is kind of faith, that is the need of the hour. This kind of faith that builds Christians, who hold the banner of the LORD high, no matter what. This kind of faith, that helps us live for the glory of God, as Romans 12 says – a living sacrifice!!!
How about us? May the LORD grant us His grace, to open our eyes, to the reality of life, in Christ. May the LORD help us, to look beyond our needs, and our storms. The LORD said, “HE WILL TAKE CARE” – therefore, let us trust God to take care of all our needs. Meanwhile, let us, like the Psalmist say, with courage and conviction…
– “33 I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. 34 My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.” – Psalms 104:33-34
Even so the LORD help us.
"He who has any proper sense of the greatness, the majesty, and the glory of God "intends" to praise him forever. He sees that there is enough in the character of God to demand eternal praise, and he does not anticipate that a period can ever occur in all the future when he will feel that the causes for praise have come to an end, or when his heart will be indisposed to celebrate that praise."