Commercial establishments have all kinds of discount sales, to draw the attention of “consumers” so that their stock is sold. One of the best ways to sell, is the “Buy One, Get One Free” offer. This ‘bait’ works very well, and the consumer ends up with more than what is needed. The seller ends up with more sales than what was expected.
Recently I read one such “Buy One, Get One Free” offer. It relates to our life. Please find them as follows…
“When we buy “JEALOUSY”
we get “HEADACHE” for free!
When we buy ANGER,
we get “ACIDITY” for free!
When we buy “HATE”
we get “ULCER” for free!
When we buy “STRESS”
then “BLOOD PRESSURE” is available for free!
Similarly, when we buy “TRUST” from conversation,
then “FRIENDSHIP” is received for free!
When we buy “EXERCISE”
we get “HEALTH” for free!
When we buy “PEACE”,
good “SLEEP” is available for free!
When we buy “LOVE”
we get “GOD’s GRACE” for free with all the good qualities!Now it depends on us, what we have to buy….!!”
A very interesting way to look at life through the lens of “Buy One, Get One Free.” What are investing our “money” in, and what are we getting back in return? Invest wisely. Invest for health and peace. Invest for eternity. Invest as the LORD would! It is worth it.
"We are the Bibles the world is reading; We are the creeds the world is needing; We are the sermons the world is heeding."