Someone has rightly said, “With great power, comes greatresponsibility.” How true it is. Power entrusted comes with responsibility attached. One without the other is corruption at best, and evil at worst. Power or Responsibility cannot exist on its own, and therefore, has no value whatsoever, when divorced one from the other.
POWER needs to be used judiciously and purposefully. It has to be used only to serve the cause for which it was originally intended, and therefore entrusted. Time, talents, opportunities and the likes, is the power entrusted to us.
RESPONSIBILITY is to keep oneself focused on the task entrusted by the LORD, and not misuse the power and position, to serve personal and self-serving ambitions, goals and dreams. Being responsible, is being accountable. Without being accountable, one cannot be responsible.
What has the LORD entrusted us with? How are we using such power? Are we being responsible with all that is entrusted? Let us evaluate ourselves. Let us not end up as ‘wasted lives.’ Rather, let us be fruitful and multiply for the glory of God, and for the blessing of His people. May the LORD help us.
"Therefore tremble, O man, at any power thou hast, except thou usest it for God. Art thou strong in body; who hath thy strength? God, or thy lusts?"