“Achilles’ Heel” is a fatal weakness, or a vulnerable area in us. The term alludes to the Greek legend about the heroic warrior Achilles, who is invincible, but for his heel. In other words, Achilles’ heel is his weak point. If anyone wants to defeat him, they should aim at his heel, because that is his weakest point.
Everyone has a certain trait that is their weak link in the armour. It is something that they cannot help it…probably are born with it. It is something they have to live with…for they cannot remove it. It has to do with our personalities, and not our character.
The tragedy of this is that, those who love and care for us deeply, are the ones who will be affected by this. Human relationships are such…everyone are connected and wired…none are separate and insulated from one another. Therefore, we have to tread carefully.
May the LORD help us to heal our Achilles’ heel, and at the same time, be kind and considerate towards others with their own Achilles’ heel. Unless we work on it, and get a grip over it, the problem keeps repeating, and we keep on hurting ourselves, and all our loved ones.
May the LORD help us. He surely will.
"The chain is only as strong as its weakest link, for if that fails the chain fails and the object that it has been holding up falls to the ground."