The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, which we call as the Palm Sunday, is a significant turn in the events, in the earthly ministry of the Saviour. The most crucial week of the Redemption plan begins with the Palm Sunday.
Though, the Messiah is well on His mission, buy tragically, the people are so far from the Messiah, and His mission. In fact the people were in their own sweet world, just like how we are so many times…far far away from the thoughts and the workings of the LORD. It is a tragedy unfolding, and the people so blissfully ignorant of their ignorance.
The good old Doctor records something that is missing in others gospel accounts. Jesus wept on the day when people were shouting Hosannas, waving palm branches and laying down their coats to welcome their “King.” What a tragedy that the heart of the King of kings is unknown to all the masses.
“41 Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it…” – Luke 19:41
“Does Jesus weep over us?” This is the first point for us to think over. Secondly, “Do our eyes well up when we see the Church? Do tears flow down our cheeks, looking at ourselves?”
"Jesus wept once; possibly more than once. There are times when God asks nothing of His children except silence, patience, and tears."