Love is the most natural thing for human beings. Yet, love is one of the best indicators of human heart, and its fallen nature. We all love people. […]
Love that the Bible talks about is, worlds apart from the love, that the world talks about. The written Word of God declares that, “God is love!” It simple […]
The love that God demonstrates towards the fallen world, and the human beings is, steadfast, amazing and beyond our comprehension. Today, let us look at Psalm 36:7-9 and […]
The love that God demonstrates towards the fallen world, and the rebellious human race is, simply beyond our grasp to understand. The love that God has for us is […]
The LORD God Almighty, speaks to us through His written Word, the Bible. In it, God speaks about a whole range of subjects, that concerns human beings. One of […]
Many times, as we walk through the “valley of the shadow of death,” we become so utterly “faithless” because of the darkness around us, and the dread within […]