Psalm 113 is a beautiful Psalm, worth reading again and again. One of the titles given to it is, “The Majesty of God.” It gives in its nine verses, a […]
The study of apostle Paul’s life is, not only very interesting and informative, but also, very inspiring. One of the most important lessons, we would learn from the […]
Life and all its challenges, can at times be, overwhelming and discomforting. It can make us paralysed, in our hearts, and our minds. Many times, people are so terrified […]
The LORD does so many things for us. One can say, innumerable things, confidently, without any doubt or hesitation. As we walk through the life, it is easy […]
The power of religion can have such iron-like hold over its subjects, that they become utterly incapable to think and act, clearly, reasonably and rationally. They live in […]
Concern about future is one of the primary causes for anxiety and stress. There is nothing wrong to be concerned about the future. It is both natural […]
God loves us, despite our past, filled with sinfulness, and rebellion, against Him; despite our wayward, and wavering faith in Him, in the present; despite our uncertain, and […]