Food we eat is the fuel that keeps us alive, and helps us go forward. Without food, we go hungry, become weak, and eventually die. Such is the significance of food for our lives.
The same applies to our spiritual lives. Without feeding ourselves on the “Bread of Heaven,” we will become weak, ineffective and worthless. Therefore, it is important for us to feed ourselves on the manna from God every day. This keeps us hale and healthy…not only spiritually, but also in every other aspect of our life. Such is the power of this ‘Heavenly Manna.’
Jesus, speaking to His followers, who were seeking for Him, says, “35…I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.” – John 6:35. The LORD spoke these words to the people who were searching for Him, just after the miracle of the feeding the five thousand.
Jesus was reiterating what He taught the multitudes through the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:33 – “33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
We are not to worry or be concerned about the needs of our lives. God will take care of them. Therefore, let us seek the kingdom of God, His righteousness, and desire and seek to ‘eat this heavenly manna,’ so that we have the energy to walk this narrow way. The Bread of Life give us, not only the strength and energy to walk, but in fact, gives us much more than that – it gives us “LIFE!”
"Bread of Life? Jesus lived up to the title. But an unopened loaf does a person no good. Have you received the bread? Have you received God’s forgiveness?"