Christians, who are the followers and the disciples of the LORD Jesus Christ, are expected to be responsible people in all the works entrusted to us, in regards to the kingdom of God.
1- The LORD Jesus makes it clear about the talents, time and the responsibility given to us through the “Parable of Talents” in Matthew 25:14–30.
2- The LORD entrusts us with the responsibility of the spread of gospel, which even the angels in heaven don’t have. – Matthew 28:16-20.
3- We as Christians, are the Ambassadors of Christ, and therefore are expected to live in line with God and His Word, as the “Salt and Light” in this world. – Matthew 5:12.
May the LORD Jesus help us to live for Him in and through our lives, as His Ambassadors, for His glory, and for the blessing of the kingdom of God. Even so the LORD help us.
"The true call of a Christian is not to do extraordinary things, but to do ordinary things in an extraordinary way."