We face all kinds of situations in life. We have no say or control over what life serves us. However, how we respond, and how we get going, is in our hands. In that sense, life is a challenge, every single day. There are no two thoughts about it.
There are two points to note, when facing challenging times in life. Both these points are significant. It is good we know them. Quicker the better.
Firstly, Victory in the ‘battle’ comes foremost in the mind, and then in physical reality. The battle is in the mind, and it has to be won there…first. For this, we have to learn to trust the LORD, and look unto Him for all our needs, in our hearts and minds… first. What happens in our mind will determine what will happen in reality.
Secondly, victory in all our battles, will come only on our knees. When we surrender ourselves, and seek the LORD unceasingly and persistently in prayer, the things begin to move. A person who depends on God, will primarily, depend less on his personal, instincts, abilities and skills. Herein lies the secret to victory.
The difference between David, and the armies of Israel, while facing Goliath, is a fine example to illustrate the above two points. David trusted God and stepped out in faith, to fight the giant. The armies of Israel were looking at their inadequacies, and were scared and stunned into silence, by the strength of the opponent. David was looking at the LORD’s sufficiency to provide him all that is needed.
Now we know what to do. It is upto us. Shall we be a David? Or, shall we be the armies of Israel? What do we do? Where do we stand?
"When you have faith in God, you don't have to worry about the future. You just know it's all in His hands. You just go to and do your best."