There is no one in the entire world, in the past, the present and in the future, who has come up entirely on their own, without anyone else’s help. All of us need, many many people, to pour their blessing into our lives, to make us who we are. Sometimes we may never realise such outpouring of blessings into our lives. However, to think we have none to be thankful for, is simply being proud, arrogant and evil.
Ingratitude, is a deep rooted sickness – a true reflection of the fallen man. It can and will manifest itself, in many different ways. Sometimes in our denial, concealment, failing to remember and forgetting to reciprocate appropriately, for a kindness received, and in so many other ways. Seneca the Younger, a Roman philosopher has an apt description of such a person.
– “He is ungrateful who denies that he has received a kindness which has been bestowed upon him; he is ungrateful who conceals it; he is ungrateful who makes no return for it; most ungrateful of all is he who forgets it.”
William Arthur Ward reveals, how to recognise an ungrateful person.
– “A complaining tongue reveals an ungrateful heart.”
Each of us may have complaints, and that is reasonable. However, when someone has nothing but complaints, it reveals a heart, that lacks the sense of appreciation, for the blessings, and the many good things, received in their life. Their heart is far removed from what they have received, and is constantly on what they want, and focused sharply only on what they don’t have. A perfect recipe for ingratitude, and a perfect recipe for disaster.
The Bible tells us in no uncertain terms, that we are to be grateful, always. It all boils down to, how we perceive life, and remembering without forgetting, all what we have received. David writing in Psalm 103, has these famous words as advice for us.
– “1 Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:” – Psalm 103:1-2
When we are thankful and grateful, it reveals a heart that is happy, content and satisfied. It is out this sense of contentment, with whatever we have, the desire to thank, and the need to be grateful, is born. It is important to remember this.
– “A grateful person is rich in contentment. An ungrateful person suffers in the poverty of endless discontentment.” – David A. Bednar
How is life from our perspective. What role does gratitude play in our lives? Do we thank a who have blessed us, in our lives? How much of our prayer time, is filled with overflowing gratitude towards God? How much time do we spend, seeking God for this, that, and everything? Gratitude and the expression of it reveals a lot about us; especially our hearts and the direction of our lives. May we be always counted among those who are grateful, always and for everything, big, small and even insignificant benefit received. Even so the LORD help us.
"I marvel to think that the Son of God would condescend to save us, as imperfect, impure, mistake-prone, and ungrateful as we often are. I have tried to understand the Savior's Atonement with my finite mind, and the only explanation I can come up with is this: God loves us deeply, perfectly, and everlastingly."