Christmas is nothing but the “Five GIFTS” – LOVE, FORGIVENESS, PEACE, JOY and HOPE. Because of which we have now, a life, and a future to look forward to.
God LOVED us so much, that He chose to FORGIVE us, through the sinless birth, life and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on the cross of Calvary. This forgiveness brought PEACE between God and man, and RESTORED the broken relationship because of OUR sin and rebellion. The peace and the restoration of our relationship has given us JOY unspeakable, and the HOPE for a future.
Isn’t that wonderful? It sure is!!! I was a worthless person, and lost eternally, but now, because of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, have found LOVE, FORGIVENESS, PEACE, JOY and HOPE. Can I ask for anything more? Nothing can be of more value than these five!!!
Now having experienced such precious and priceless “gifts” from God, let us, not only live these five “gifts,” buy willingly and generously share them around. This would be the best “gift” we can give to the One who gave us His best, to see that our lives are transformed, and not destroyed.
"Who can add to Christmas? The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. The perfect gift is that He gave His only Son. The only requirement is to believe in Him. The reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life."