Life can be lived a 100 years, and yet it can be nothing more than an ‘also ran’ life. Someone else could live just a few short years, and yet impact so much, that its impact is felt, many many years after their passing away. One such life is that of David Brainerd.
Church history records that on 9th October 1747, “David Brainerd, pioneer missionary to Native Americans in New England, dies of tuberculosis at age 29. His journal, published by Jonathan Edwards, inspired hundreds to become missionaries, including the “father of modern Protestant missions,” William Carey.” Simple, yet profound life.
How is our life impacting the people around us? Is the ‘light’ of the LORD radiating through us? Is the LORD visible to others in and through our words and deeds? Is our Redeemer and our Master glorified by our lives?
"Our responsibility is simply to make our witness faithful; it is God's responsibility alone to make it effective."