The biggest threat for the downfall of an individual is success. It may sound strange. Success in itself has nothing to do about it, but rather, the person who succeeds. Downfall beings with success and its cousins, the applause, the fame, the recognition and a sense of achievement. This is very ‘intoxicating,’ and as with all intoxicants, it contributes to the lowering of the guard, and the loss in the crucial ability to assess and judge well. This leads to the loss of balance, and hence the fall from grace.
It becomes imperative to be careful, when we are on the rise.
1- Always be grateful to the LORD for His innumerable gifts, which are undeserving of us, to begin with.
2- Our feet should be firmly placed on the ground.
3- Heart always humble, even at the “peak” of success.
4- Eyes always looking straight ahead on the path.
5- Forget not the people who poured themselves for us to succeed.
6- Forget not the person who helped us stand where we are.
7- Always give back in direct proportion to what we have received. The more we succeed, the more we give.
Have a blessed work week.
"On earth we have nothing to do with success or its results, but only being true to God and for God; for it is sincerity and not success which is the sweet savor before God."