Leaders are one of the most loneliest of all people. They are on a pedestal; everyone looks up to them. The ‘glitz’ and the ‘glamour’ of their position, and their achievements, make people to be in awe of them. However, the leader, though being in the crowd, many times, feels alone and lonely. They are “expected” to give solutions to every problem of everyone around, and when they have an issue, the very ability of theirs, as leaders, is questioned.
Their walk is on thin ice, and on a razor’s edge. Everyone is applauding, appreciating and admiring them. All this, in most cases, till they make one mistake. The tide turns the opposite direction. The very people who showered praise and appreciation, will throw stones and shout insults.
Their lives are lonely, because everyone wants to be fed, but none want know if the leader has enough avenues to feed and grow. They are expected to be accessible to everyone, but they themselves have very limited access for company, comfort and encouragement.
Leaders are expected to be a superhuman. They cannot be a normal human being. It is considered to be a weakness and a vulnerability. They are , as though, no feelings and no shortcomings.
May we learn to appreciate and applaud the leader. Most importantly, let us learn to stand with the leader. May we, most importantly, pray for the leader and his health – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
"If you seek leadership, know that you’re asking for is a life of service and loneliness. It may not look like the glamorous service you suspect...It may be behind a pulpit, which may be one of the loneliest places of all. But, good and faithful—and lonely—servant, find your joy not in being known, but in making him known."