We just completed another election. They keep coming and going. As a Christian we should participate, and exercise our right and our responsibility as a citizen.
However, it is important to distinguish the difference between our responsibility towards the nation, and the politics. Many mistake our responsibility and the politics, as one and the same. Unfortunately, they both are not, one and the same.
A Christian and the politics are a perfect antithesis, and a recipe for disaster. The Church is the voice in the wilderness. It is expected and mandated by God, to be the salt and light. Be that with all the strength you have. Politics is to come to power by all means, and do all that one can, to retain it as long as possible. There is no right and wrong about it.
We don’t pray to remove people from power. Nor do we pray, that someone comes to power. This is politics, albeit “”spiritual”” politics. We have no business to play politics. We are called to be His voice.
First century Christians and their leadership did not make representations to the king. Nor did they take out rallies to press for their just demands. They tearfully and privately, many times secretly sought the LORD for help. Bore every injustice with dignity and honour. Faced boldly the consequences of being the follower of Christ the Risen Saviour.
They were mocked, abused and killed indiscriminately, in violation of their own laws. Yet they chose to be slaughtered like lambs, but never ever uttered a word in protest.
No wonder they had more power than us. No wonder multitudes chose to take this path in spite of all the imminent dangers. No wonder they chose to walk richly, in the face of abject poverty and persecution. No wonder, even the mighty Roman empire had to bow its knee, and confess that Jesus Christ is LORD.
This doesn’t happen when we WhatsApp prayers, and pronounce ‘faith statements’ to dethrone someone. How ignorant and how foolish of us. It is the LORD who puts the king on the throne. How could we miss such a simple and straight matter? Are we by any chance using God for our own ends, just like a seasoned politician???
Kumara Krupa Bachala