Many people get disturbed, troubled and stressed because of the future. Yes, in one sense, everyone of us are concerned about the future. However, to be worried over it, and lose sleep over it, is not a good way to approach it. To be disturbed, troubled and stressed over what hasn’t come yet, is not a healthy habit.
As Christians, what should we be doing about it? We should not be worried or stressed about the times and days ahead of us. The point is not, whether the signs for times ahead, are good or bad. It is about whom we are trusting today, for all our future, and all that it may bring upon us. Herein lies Christian way of looking at our future.
The sons of Korah, who were Levites, from the family of Kohath, write Psalm 46, which is titled *”God the Refuge of His People and Conqueror of the Nations”” by the New King James Bible. This is how verse ten, goes,
– “10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” – Psalms 46:10
The words of this verse are, in the voice of God Himself, who is speaking to His people, in the context of all the troubles listed in verses one to three.
– “…Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; 3 Though its waters roar and be troubled, Though the mountains shake with its swelling.” – Psalms 46:2
YAHWEH is asking His people to know who their God is. This is a very big and deep statement. Many times, we know God, by His merely by His name, and not who He actually is. Being still and knowing God, is the kind of faith we display or demonstrate, especially in times of need, disturbances and trouble. Such faith in YAHWEH is the true reflection of our faith and our trust in the LORD God Almighty, and His omnipotent ability.
Psalm 46:10 is taken from Exodus 14 incident, where the children of Israel were just delivered by God, from the Egyptian bondage, but were in a seriously threatening situation, where their very existence was at stake, because of the sea in front of them, and the soldiers pegging them from behind. It is much like, the “devil and the deep sea.” That is when the LORD speaks through Moses, His mouth piece…
– “13 And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. 14 The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” – Exodus 14:13-14
May this Monday morning, and the week ahead, and all the days ahead in our lives be, not a cause for stress and worry, but instead, a reason to praise, thank and glorify God, for His help, care and concern. The LORD God Almighty is with us. He is commanding us not to be stressed over any situation that may befall us, but rather, to trust Him, and His ability, to help us through fire, storms and gusty winds. He alone is able to carry us through it all, and He alone will. Let us learn to trust Him, and be still. Even so the LORD help us.
"Our submission is to be such as becomes [that of the] rational creatures. God doth not require us to submit [to Him,] contrary to [our] reason, but to submit as seeing the reason and ground of submission. Hence, the bare consideration that God is God may well be sufficient to still all [our] objections and oppositions against the divine sovereign."