For the last three plus weeks we were looking at various dimensions of finances, and the good and bad of it. I personally believe all that the Bible says about money and wealth – “the love of money is the root of all evil” – 1 Timothy 6:10. It is absolutely relevant to us, even today, and our overall well-being.
– Firstly, we ought to guard ourselves from falling in love with money.
– Secondly, since all things that we have, are a blessing from God, hence, we ought to wisely, and profitably, handle everything, in this case, money and wealth.
– Thirdly, as an extension of the second point, we ought believe, and behave as the stewards, of all that is entrusted to us, and not think, we are the creators, and therefore, the owners of all that we possess.
The twenty three meditations on finances are born out of what the LORD had taught me, in the classroom called life, from the textbook called experience. Bible, which is the Word of God, has been my lamp and the light [Psalm 119:105] to illuminate all things, so that I could grow in my understanding, knowledge and wisdom. Yet, to be honest, there are times I have failed, which undoubtedly is, my own fault. Life, as I realised, is a process of moving forward on the ‘narrow path,’ regardless of all our faults, failings, and our falls.
Some topics may have been repeated, while covering various aspects of finances. Some topics may have overlapped. However, I am sure it was of some help. I was certainly blessed.
Let us never forget that God owns everything, and that, we are entrusted by God to be His stewards. May the LORD help us to be good and wise stewards, of all that He has entrusted us with.
"The world asks, “What does a man own?” Christ asks, “How does he use it?"