David writing Psalm 34 says something very simple, yet so profound. He says…
– “8 Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” – Psalms 34:8
What David says here, is something, that he has personally experienced. It is his experiential testimony, about the LORD God Almighty!!!
David knows very well, what he is asking his reader to think and do. Amplified Version of the Bible puts it well…
– “O taste and see that the LORD [our God] is good; How blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favoured by God] is the man who takes refuge in Him.”
Knowing something theoretically is one thing. See it with our own eyes is another thing. Smelling it with our own nose is something. Touching it, and feeling it, with our own fingers is something else. Yet, nothing is the same, nor can it equal, the experience of someone who actually takes a bite of the apple, and tastes it for himself. When we personally taste something, the knowledge we gain, is on an entirely different level.
Oh the goodness, grace, mercy, love, kindness, generosity and the benevolence of God! Oh how wonderful it is! Knowing God, just as, tasting an apple for ourselves, is something, that can never be truly and fully explained by anyone. It has to be personally experienced, to know it – understand and appreciate it – in its fullest sense. The person who knows, trusts and takes refuge in the LORD, as David says, “…blessed is he.” When someone knows the LORD this way, they would joyfully declare, “MY LORD, AND NOTHING MORE” HalleluYah!!!
How about us? Have we tasted the LORD Jesus Christ? Do we know Him personally and intimately? Can we say with confidence that we know our LORD? May the LORD help us to know Him, truly. May we know the LORD, like David did. Even so the LORD help us.
"O taste and see that the Lord is good — That is, kind, merciful, and gracious, namely, to all his people. The goodness of God, here spoken of, includes both the amiableness and benevolence of his nature, and the bounty and beneficence of his providence and grace; and, in calling us to taste and see this, the psalmist means that we should seriously, thoroughly, and affectionately consider it, and make trial of it by our own experience;"